Male Yeast Infection -What Makes Men Susceptible To Getting A Penis Yeast Infection

Male Yeast Infection -What Makes Men Susceptible To Getting A Penis Yeast Infection

Male yeast infection symptoms - Not many people realize that a male yeast infection is possible, although it’s much less common than in women. Infections in women, children and men are generated by the overgrowth of Candida, a particular type of yeast or fungus (specifically, Candida albicans). This yeast is found in the body of children, men and women and is totally normal, but a yeast infection occurs when the growth gets out of control.

Causes of Penile Yeast Infection

Reasons for a male yeast infection may differ. This has been found to take place commonly in men that are not circumcised and the reason for it is because some men may well not properly clean under the foreskin. Having sexual activity using a partner who has a genital candidiasis can pass the problem forth and back between partners; however, some physicians and researchers believe this cause is less common. If you are in a sexual partnership that you refrain from sexual contact until all symptoms are resolved, it is important, however, that. This is to prevent from passing the problem back and forth. A few other things which make men susceptible to a penis yeast infection are overuse of antibiotics along with diabetes as the elevated sugars in the urine of an individual with diabetes provide ample food for yeast.

Causes of Other Male Yeast Infections

Along with penile candida albicans, men may also get other kinds of yeast infections such as oral cutaneous and invasive candidiasis. The use of antibiotics is among the major causes of getting a yeast infection. This is true for men, children and women. Men can also be more susceptible to get yeast infection if they have a weak immune system caused by other diseases such asdiabetes and cancer, and HIV. Your diet is actually a major issue and a few foods can cause problems, specifically foods that include sugar and yeast including beer.

Male Candidiasis Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of a penile candidiasis include:

•Itching or burning in the tip of the penis.

•Red rash around the penis, particularly at the tip.

•Irritation and soreness at the tip of your penis.

Balanitis or swelling from the foreskin.

•Whitish discharge from your meatus (hole on the tip of the penis).

Simple Treatments for Penile Infections

As long as it is caught early enough, these yeast infections are relatively simple to treat. You might also wish to make a plan to avoid recurrence of the penis candida albicans. The best way to take care of a yeast infection is by using over-the-counter antifungal creams or ointments.Yeast Infections in Men It’s okay for males to utilize creams which are more targeted for women, like Monistat. Some study suggests adding a couple of drops of white wine vinegar to each and every dose to deal with the infection faster and. Just don’t add vinegar alone for the penis as it may “burn” your skin.

Prescription Treatments for Penile Candidiasis

If the infection is not treated, it can become a more serious and painful condition of the penis which is called phimosis.

It may require a visit to the doctor if the infection is bad enough and will not go away with the use of fungal creams or other home remedies. The physician or caregiver will normally give a strong antifungal medication like Diflucan (fluconazole) or Nizoral (ketaconazole) to treat the infection. Before taking this leap into pharmaceutical treatment, however, be sure to try natural and safer measures because side effects can often be worse than the condition it is treating.

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of candida infections and treating the problem early on can prevent the problem from increasingly severe.

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